Friday, August 13, 2010

One of Lifes Questions

How is it that the ones you love the most are the ones that cause us the most pain?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Refrigerator Art

Within all of us we are truely why do we second guess ourselves? Why do we feel the need to make our life better with material things? Why do we do things that please only ourselves? Our world has set such a standard for living that we get caught up in all of its hype instead of focusing on our souls and those souls around us.

At church on Suday, the Chaplain made this point and he gave an example that really touched me. "Life is like refrigerator art"...when a child gives you a simple piece of paper with a simple drawing that you can not make out or have no clue what the drawing might be, you still hang it on the refrigerator. Why? Becuase of our DESIRE TO PLEASE the child.

At first, I thought how would I be truely happy if I am the one doing the pleasing? What I later realized is that it starts with only one person...if I "hang the art" to please someone, they will grow to please others (and myself) in similar ways. Happiness is catchy. If we all lived our lives with the desire to please others, we would find ourselves surrounded by happy people.

Life is catchy, pass it on!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


My kids are my inspiration for a lot of my creativity, but most of the time I forget about the things I truely desire. I was talking with my cousin on the phone the other night and realized how much I miss doing things for just me. Well, I did not realize it just then, but was inspired by the passion in her voice when she was telling me about a great book she had just read. In that moment, she inspired me. I had almost forgot about that passionate feeling you get when you have something you truely love doing for yourself. As a SAHM (stay at home mom), and homeschool parent, I think I do a great job balancing most aspects of my life; however, this past year I have slowly allowed my passions to fall of the list and it saddend me when I realized how much I missed them. I like cooking (trying new recipes and tweaking them to suit my tastebuds...or even inventing my own recipes), I love to read novels (not just kids books, but real adult novels...I used to sit for a day and finish a 400 page book--although that is not expected anymore, I would like time to read) I LOVE to travel, and hike (go to places and experience culture and art). These are by far the passions I miss most. I desire to speak at least 4 languages before I die, and to step on all continents at least once. I love concerts, and lady's nights. So what, where, when, how, did I lose sight of all of this? Rather than focus on that question, I have decided to just change the situation at hand. Earlier this week, I went to Borders and bought two books, just for me! I have found inexpensive airline tickets to Florida for January through, I have cooked up two new recipes (check out and have enjoyed some holiday baking. I won't be hiking anytime soon due to the snowy weather, however...I'll be walking the beach in Florida daily! Zumba is calling my name, so I shall try a class after the new year, and for now, I will work on perfecting my 5 years of Spanish. I will have to look into a concert I would like to go to, however, my music taste has become dormant due to listening to Raffi, Hannah Montana, and everything Disney! So I shall start with pulling out some old CD's. All suggestions welcome! It's funny how a small conversation about a book can lead to such an in depth perception of ones self.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Much to our crazy suprise, families today are really way to busy! My family is top model for Life in the Fast Lane. We are always on the go; in October alone we will have spent 16 out of 31 days in our home. It is time to simplify our lifestyle. I just read an article in "Parents" magazine explaining that more and more families are slowing down when it comes to raising their children.

My husband and I started out by getting all the cool toys and games for my kids when they were small, then after a couple of years we purchased convenient toys (a little gift or souvenier to entertain the kids while on a trip). We tend to go out to eat for more than half of our meals a week. We are constantly in the car driving from point a to point b. The list goes on and on. Thankfully, we have learned earlier than later to stop, for soooo many reasons. When I came across the article titled, "Life in the Slow Lane", I thought it would be great to share a list of substitutes for going from Fast to Slow. Here are some fun family ideas:

GO, Go, Go to Slow, Slow, Slow
Skate Parks-----------Bike Paths
Video games-----------Board Games
Scree time------------Free time
Fast food-------------Local produce
Enrichment class------Story hour
Resort Vacation-------Camping trip
Session with tutor----Visit with Grandma
Mad Weekend Dash------Lazy Sunday Morning

Some of my favorite Slow Autumn Activities: Nature walks/hikes, cleaning out toys and clothes to donate to those in need, and cooking as a family.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Storms come at the most inconvenient times. I am not talking about what the weather man predicts but of life's obstacles; such as finances, marriage, family, health, or what ever brings great stress and conflict in your life. Its these obsticales, like storms, that seem to pull us out to sea and throw us to the crashing waves. So how do we get to the other side without going under?

I have waded in those murky waters many times, some storms stronger than others, waiting for a sign that would help pull me through. At times I would be gasping for air, while other times I would be doubting my strength. Many sleepless nights I would search the internet for information, advice, or as an avoidance to erase the problem temporarily from my mind. I would usually end up self evaluating my situation and find temporary answers to my problems, but rarely did that get me through the storm. What I have realized is, like so many others, I had been "waiting" for help, rather than "seeking" help from those who could help me.

Talking to friends or family members, a psychologist, financial advisor, or doctor might be the best course to take. However, in my most weakest state when nothing seems logical, I find myself praying and spilling my woes and fears to what I believe to be a higher power. It is through prayer that I find the most answers, and somehow the storm calms and I can move forward.

Getting through these storms are what teach us life lessons; some of our deepest character is revealed (not shaped) there. And when the storm has calmed, I see a brighter reflection of myself. I also realize I can be the person that someone looks at for solitude during their storm and I try to show them the love and compassion they need to help them through a difficult time.

Recap: 1) If a storm comes and it is more than I can take, SEEK HELP SOON. 2) Have Faith 3) Getting through the storm teaches us life's lessons and reveals our inner characters. 4)Show Love and be strong for those around you.

Mark 4:35