Sunday, October 4, 2009


Storms come at the most inconvenient times. I am not talking about what the weather man predicts but of life's obstacles; such as finances, marriage, family, health, or what ever brings great stress and conflict in your life. Its these obsticales, like storms, that seem to pull us out to sea and throw us to the crashing waves. So how do we get to the other side without going under?

I have waded in those murky waters many times, some storms stronger than others, waiting for a sign that would help pull me through. At times I would be gasping for air, while other times I would be doubting my strength. Many sleepless nights I would search the internet for information, advice, or as an avoidance to erase the problem temporarily from my mind. I would usually end up self evaluating my situation and find temporary answers to my problems, but rarely did that get me through the storm. What I have realized is, like so many others, I had been "waiting" for help, rather than "seeking" help from those who could help me.

Talking to friends or family members, a psychologist, financial advisor, or doctor might be the best course to take. However, in my most weakest state when nothing seems logical, I find myself praying and spilling my woes and fears to what I believe to be a higher power. It is through prayer that I find the most answers, and somehow the storm calms and I can move forward.

Getting through these storms are what teach us life lessons; some of our deepest character is revealed (not shaped) there. And when the storm has calmed, I see a brighter reflection of myself. I also realize I can be the person that someone looks at for solitude during their storm and I try to show them the love and compassion they need to help them through a difficult time.

Recap: 1) If a storm comes and it is more than I can take, SEEK HELP SOON. 2) Have Faith 3) Getting through the storm teaches us life's lessons and reveals our inner characters. 4)Show Love and be strong for those around you.

Mark 4:35

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