Friday, October 23, 2009


Much to our crazy suprise, families today are really way to busy! My family is top model for Life in the Fast Lane. We are always on the go; in October alone we will have spent 16 out of 31 days in our home. It is time to simplify our lifestyle. I just read an article in "Parents" magazine explaining that more and more families are slowing down when it comes to raising their children.

My husband and I started out by getting all the cool toys and games for my kids when they were small, then after a couple of years we purchased convenient toys (a little gift or souvenier to entertain the kids while on a trip). We tend to go out to eat for more than half of our meals a week. We are constantly in the car driving from point a to point b. The list goes on and on. Thankfully, we have learned earlier than later to stop, for soooo many reasons. When I came across the article titled, "Life in the Slow Lane", I thought it would be great to share a list of substitutes for going from Fast to Slow. Here are some fun family ideas:

GO, Go, Go to Slow, Slow, Slow
Skate Parks-----------Bike Paths
Video games-----------Board Games
Scree time------------Free time
Fast food-------------Local produce
Enrichment class------Story hour
Resort Vacation-------Camping trip
Session with tutor----Visit with Grandma
Mad Weekend Dash------Lazy Sunday Morning

Some of my favorite Slow Autumn Activities: Nature walks/hikes, cleaning out toys and clothes to donate to those in need, and cooking as a family.

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